Reactive Maintenance Services
To maintain the highest quality and safety standards and prevent expensive repairs, ongoing building maintenance work is essential.
Willis towers Watson - London
Office and Commercial Property Maintenance
We work with a broad range of commercial clients to maintain their buildings and offices, both in and around the London and Hertfordshire areas, as well as further afield. Our reactive maintenance team is on hand to carry out minor to large scale repairs to ensure effected areas are rectified quickly and without further disruption to the business environment. This includes office maintenance as well as other commercial property maintenance.
Benefits of ongoing building maintenance
At MGS, we have dedicated commercial maintenance and decorating teams that work out of hour’s shifts to constantly ensure that workspaces are kept to a high standard of appearance.
Some of the key things we’ve seen with regards to office maintenance and ongoing repair works include:
Get ahead of it– Don’t wait for issues to arise before you schedule maintenance work, regularly seeing to different parts of the office or building will ensure it always looks fresh and gives you the chance to catch potentially bigger problems early on.
Keep a regular schedule– Keep track of how regularly you’re refreshing different parts of the building. Some elements will need more attention than others.
Be flexible– We’ll work out of hours to complete maintenance tasks without disrupting the working day. We’re also flexible enough to come in and fix issues on an ad hoc basis, so you don’t have to wait until the next scheduled visit.
One of our established clients is Willis Towers Watson who we have worked continuously for over 20 years to keep up with their refurbishment and maintenance requirements.
Thinking of rebranding your office space?
Another area that we support clients with is updates to their colour schemes and office designs to coincide with rebranding initiatives or mergers between companies.
If you have any questions or would like more information relating to our commercial property maintenance services, don’t hesitate to get in touch and speak to one of our expert team.